How to find how many pages in Yandex index?

In order to find how many site pages in the Yandex index it is necessary to enter the prefix "site:" to URL string in the Yandex Browser address line (, for example:



How to find how many pages in Google index?

In order to find how many site pages in the Google index it is necessary to enter the prefix "site:" to URL string in the Google Chrome browser address line, for example:
How to find out how many pages in Google Index?

How to make sitemap on Blogspot and add sitemap to Google index?

Nowadays, for Google indexing, in Google Search Console we must to add sitemap file.

First, make string URL, such as:

Second, register blog at Google Search Console.

Then go to there:

Select Add Sitemap. Then select "Index->Sitemaps->Add a new sitemap"

Then write string URL to field and click Submit.
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